Shiatsu incorporating CranioSacral Therapy,
SomatoEmotional Release, CranioReflex and Ortho-Bionomy.
Personal and professional mentoring.

located at

Body Stillness, 7 Lincoln St, Sandy Bay.

About Lilly

About Lilly


Zen Shiatsu Therapist & Mentor
CranioSacral Therapy
SomatoEmotional Release
CranioReflex 4 – Hands Therapy
Ortho-Bionomy & Counselling student

As the founder of Body Stillness, Lilly works as a trauma - informed body therapist with embedded counselling.

Lilly began her Shiatsu Therapy training in 2000, and began professional private practice in 2004.

Through her own health and self care journey in many alternative health modalities, Lilly is inspired in her approach to client health. Lilly’s self maintain includes: Pilates; Osteopathy; Massage; water therapy (float tank; Watsu); Reflexology; Clinical Hypnotherapy; Physiotherapy; Alexander Technique +…

Lilly has developed the unique CranioReflex (4 – hands therapy) with peers, offering two therapists at once, for the client. A blend of CranioSacral Therapy and Reflexology – a truly profound experience!

Lilly is currently training to become an Associate Practitioner in Ortho-Bionomy as well as a Person-Centred Counsellor through AIPC.

What to expect during a session:
At the agreed time of your appointment, Lilly will meet you at the front door, and orient you to the therapy room.
Together, you discuss what you wish to focus on, as well as the short and long-term lead up to where you are now- physically, emotionally and psychologically. This can be a brief or extended discussion, depending on your needs on the day.

Lilly’s treatment room is private, quiet, temperature/sound/light controlled. During the treatment you remain fully clothed; there is spare loose clothing is available if you arrive in a suit, denim or other fabrics that might restrict your ability to relax on the table.

Within your treatment, you will be offered a choice of Shiatsu, CranioSacral Therapy and Ortho-Bionomy as well as Theragun (if needed).

Your therapeutic experience is negotiated on your terms, in regards to your comfort needs in the moment: degree of touch pressure, what areas need focus, your mood, well-being, comfort levels and emotional/cognitive needs throughout the session.

Each treatment is unique and aims to support your greatest needs on the day.

More about Lilly:
Lilly started massaging family and friends from the age of 6. Her earliest therapeutic influence was her mum who was a nurse, massage therapist and yoga teacher.
Lilly is an experienced, and ongoing, primary carer for ageing family members. She has closely cared for family with terminal illness, cancer, addiction, mental illness, dementia and Parkinson’s. She has witnessed the dying process and is familiar with the aged care system. These experiences have given Lilly greater compassion and understanding and she is passionate about assisting you in any of these areas.

Lilly has been a registered member of the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia (STAA) since 2004 and holds a Diploma of Shiatsu; complimented with over 400 hours in CranioSacral Therapy training, mentorship and teacher assistance; Lilly also has over 100 hours training in Ortho-Bionomy, and is a registered member with Ortho-Bionomy Australia.

Lilly's down-time includes time with her family, ceramics, walking her whippets, textiles and her Love Lil scarves and knitwear (available to look at at Body Stillness).


'I appreciated having the option to receive more traditional shiatsu, or craniosacral treatment. You made sure I was warm enough, and... I didn’t realise exactly how comfortable the table was until the end when I realised I hadn’t needed to move my neck at all. The treatment itself was intuitive,...your hand positioning was confident and nurturing. I felt the pressure was satisfying, and I felt confident with you working on my neck...After the treatment I felt refreshed and energised [as well as] calm and relaxed'. - Emily.
'Lilly's treatments are wonderful!!  I experience a great sense of wellbeing and relaxation after every treatment. She has an innate understanding of what I need in treatment and is always incredibly nurturing and professional. I cannot recommend her highly enough. Her treatments are heavenly!!' - Kate.

‘I felt incredibly safe - at a very deep level. Maybe even like coming home, to my beginnings of my further evolved self…the day after I felt more grounded, slept heavily & fell asleep much earlier than I have in 2 weeks. Lilly is one very knowledgeable healer, I am very much looking forward to further sessions. Thank you for bringing your special gifts into this world. You are indeed a special beacon of light the world so dearly needs.’ - Alex

CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy

craniosacral therapy

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on assessment and treatment of the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS is made up of the membranes, brain, skull, spine and cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord.
Imbalance, restrictions, injury, trauma and compression can affect this crucial and sensitive central part of our body, which then in turn can affect our muscles, bone structures, nerves, organs, and even psychological function.  

CST treats the body by feeling for a rhythm called the CranioSacral Rhythm (CSR). The CSR is the subtle movement the body makes as the cerebrospinal fluid, that is produced in the brain, is pumped around the brain and down the spinal cord. This fluid lubricates and nourishes these structures which essentially keeps the body alive. Restrictions in the CNS will present as an altered rhythm and limited range of motion in the muscles, skeleton, membranes and even in the fascia may be felt. By working with the whole body, we can create a greater range of motion throughout these areas as well improved brain to body (and back to the brain again) function by way of the spinal cord.

Shiatsu Therapy

Shiatsu Therapy

shiatsu therapy

Shiatsu is a Japanese body therapy given to a FULLY CLOTHED client ('Shi'= finger; 'Atsu'= pressure). Gentle through to strong pressure is given to all parts of the body. It is energetic in nature, and follows some of the same principles used in Acupuncture treatments. Shiatsu can be received on a low table, futon or even in a chair.

The philosophy of Shiatsu has its background in Japanese, Indian and traditional Chinese medicine. Techniques are designed to harmonise the 'ki' or 'chi' flow of the body. Acupressure with thumbs, hands and arms are applied to 'tsubo' points and 'meridian' pathways across the surface of the body. Stretches and mobilisation to body parts can also be part of a treatment. This ancient tradition is used in order to encourage health changes to all body systems; occurring from surface all the way to the depth of the bones.

In your initial appointment Lilly will talk with you about what brings you to the session and she may ask questions about your health history. This is followed by a fully-clothed, full-body, hands-on treatment. 

Shiatsu Therapy is beneficial for: 
— back & neck problems
— pain
— joint problems
— muscle tension
— injury recovery
— lung and sinus problems
— emotional balance
— cancer support
— pregnancy and birth preparation
— headache & migraine
— insomnia
— exhaustion
— stress
— hormones
— pre & post surgery
— children & teens (growth, hormones, stress)
— digestion and abdominal organ health

The effects and results of Shiatsu can feel subtle and yet profound. Results vary from overnight revelations to simply noticing after a few days that you just feel 'right' again, or a long-lost 'lightness' might return.