Children and Teens

Child health is the foundation for a good life. Starting in utero, we understand taking care of mother and baby health with good diet, exercise, and supplementation makes for the best chance in life. 

Therapy for kids.

Therapy for kids.

As we grow from those early weeks to years, a child's body goes through massive change. Most of the time everything goes well. Occasionally our little loved ones go through periods of unwellness or they might even be dealing with a health condition on a daily basis. Body therapy can be incredibly beneficial from infancy right through the teen years. 

Lilly is skilled in treating every age with a diverse presentation of health. Using Shiatsu, CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release and Ortho-Bionomy, Lilly has experience with birth trauma, lip/tongue tie, growing pains, hormones, respiratory disorders, low muscle tone, head and body injuries, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, eating disorders, anxiety and depression, pre-post surgery, sleep disorders, physical stress from bullying as well as muscle/skeletal alignment.

Many small people and their families have reported a clear positive response to treatment. Regular feedback is often that the kids want to come back for more.

4- Hands Therapy (2 or more practitioners) is also available for care giver and child TOGETHER.