CranioSacral Therapy (CST)


CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on assessment and treatment of the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS is made up of the membranes, brain, skull, spine and cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord.
Imbalance, restrictions, injury, trauma and compression can affect this crucial and sensitive central part of our body, which then in turn can affect our muscles, bone structures, nerves, organs, and even psychological function.  

CST treats the body by feeling for a rhythm called the CranioSacral Rhythm (CSR). The CSR is the subtle movement the body makes as the cerebrospinal fluid, that is produced in the brain, is pumped around the brain and down the spinal cord. This fluid lubricates and nourishes these structures which essentially keeps the body alive. Restrictions in the CNS will present as an altered rhythm and limited range of motion in the muscles, skeleton, membranes and even in the fascia may be felt. By working with the whole body, we can create a greater range of motion throughout these areas as well improved brain to body (and back to the brain again) function by way of the spinal cord.

Intra-Oral techniques for facial/cranial release


Not only can your spine, neck, head and pelvis be treated, sometimes facial and intra-oral (also known as 'mouth work') techniques are used. An experienced CranioSacral practitioner can palpate, diagnose and treat facial, hard palate and internal jaw soft-tissue restrictions and compression.
If you have experienced a facial or head impact such as dental surgery, concussion, whiplash, horse riding accident or similar; intra-oral work can provide relief from pressure you have grown so used to. Until it is released, you might not have realised how much pressure you were experiencing. Mouth work can also assist infants with tongue tie, latching-on or birth trauma.

Using a touch that starts as light as 5 grams (a 10 cent piece), Lilly will focus on releasing restrictions in your CranioSacral System to improve the functioning of your central nervous system, thus your whole body.

CranioSacral Therapy may be beneficial for:
— head injuries
— dental trauma
— migraines
— back/neck problems
— pre/post surgical procedures
— anxiety & depression
— mum and bub post-birth recovery
— held body memory (SomatoEmotional Release)
— childhood trauma & Post Traumatic Stress (PTS)



SomatoEmotional Release is a therapeutic process that assists in a deeper healing experience of the mind and body in response to trauma history that has not resolved or been fully freed from the body tissue. SER can spontaneously and naturally occur within a CranioSacral treatment.
The philosophy behind SER is that the body often retains (rather than dissipates) physical forces, and often the accompanying emotional energy, triggered by physiological, psychological, emotional or spiritual trauma. If a major event is not well ‘processed’ at the time or soon after, as the body attempts to heal, it can isolate or wall off this energy into what is called an “energy cyst”. Although a body can initially adapt to the presence of this “energy cyst”, eventually the body weakens or tires of this accommodation and can develop symptoms of pain, dysfunction or emotional stress in response.

The goal of an SER session is to feel more comfortable, downregulate a hyper-alert sympathetic nervous system (calm down, reduce pain), dissipate the residual effects of trauma history (body tension/pain, reduced range of motion) and to gain insight as to how that held trauma is influencing current physical and emotional health. The SomatoEmotional Release process requires sensitivity, experience and established trust on the part of the therapist and an open mind and interest for change from the client. 


“It can be as simple and profound as the poignant conversation that occurs once the therapist places their hands on the client.”

An SER can look and feel different for each individual, and is as unique an experience as is the person the SER is occurring for. Signs that an SER is occurring is that the CranioSacral Rhythm will come to an abrupt halt. The quality in the tissues is very different to a Still Point (therapeutic cessation of the CranioSacral Rhythm), and the receiver may notice sensations, altered tension patterns, sometimes even memories that might be relevant to the trauma area. A skilled SER practitioner will safely support and guide a person through the process. This can be done with techniques and touch to the relevant areas that the body indicates; open questions might be asked as to what the receiver is noticing or experiencing. This experience is led by you, the client, should remain safe and comfortable and ON YOUR TERMS throughout the session.
Signs that a SER is complete can be the CranioSacral Rhythm turns back on; tissue softening/release; a deep sigh; the receiver feels more quiet or is more still; increased skeletal alignment; less pain; improved muscular/fascial/visceral movement.

Please call if you’d like to talk about your health or if you have any questions:

0403 249 737